The Proverbial Nothing
“Why are you going 8000 miles to Konkan? What’s there?”
someone asked me. “There’s absolutely nothing in Konkan”, I had replied.
Konkan is a place of abundance, but the surrounding nothingness is unmistakable.
The beaches sprawl, the sea stretches out in all directions and every evening the sun vanishes into glory, but no one’s visiting. Old and strong forts have war stories to tell, but no one’s listening. Temples wait to dish out blessings, but no one’s praying. There are large and small homes, but there is no one living. Natural wealth lies like an open treasure yet no one’s plundering. The land holds a million promises that no one’s fulfilling.
We had to go 8000 miles away, but we finally found Konkan’s proverbial ‘nothing’. And after finding it, I realized that in our world that’s so full of everything, nothing is the one thing that’s the hardest to find!